Monday, April 9, 2012

Plant #10

Common Name: Jerusalem Sage
Scientific Name: Phlomis fruticosa
Clade: angiosperm
Date Collected: April 6, 2012
Location Collected: Burbank, CA
Habitat: Native of Turkey, Cyprus, Albania, Greece, and parts of former Yugoslavia. Fairly moderate weather in habitat.
Special Notes: It's a type of shrub that can grow up to 4 feet tall. It is popular in ornamental gardens for its flowers and sage-like scent.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Plant #9

Common Name: Mexican Grass Tree
Scientific Name: Dasylirion lonissimum
Clade: angiosperm/monocots
Date Collected: April 6, 2012
Location Collected: Burbank, CA
Habitat: Native of the Chihuahuan Desert and other habitats in Northern Mexico. It is drought-tolerant and is used in xeriscaping (landscaping with plants that conserve water).
Special Notes: It grows fairly slowly, but up to 4-6 feet wide, up to 12 feet tall, and up to 8 feet in diameter.

Plant #8

Common Name: Kangaroo Paw
Scientific Name: Anigozanthos rutus
Clade: angiosperm
Date Collected: April 6, 2012
Location Collected: Burbank, CA
Habitat: Native of Western Australia. This plant can adapt well to a variety of soil and weather.
Special Notes: Although the species is not under threat, it is under state legislation. A license is required to collect these.

Plant #7

Common Name: Horsetail, Scouring rush
Scientific Name: Equisetum hyemale
Clade: seedless
Date Collected: April 6, 2012
Location Collected: Burbank, CA
Habitat: Native to stream banks, swamps, fens, moist forests, and forest edges. This species invaded South Africa and Australia.
Special Notes: The rough bristles have been used to shape the reeds of clarinets and other instruments, and is used to make sandpaper in some regions.

Plant #6

Common Name: Echeveria
Scientific Name: Echeveria gibbiflora
Clade: angiosperm
Date Collected: April 6, 2012
Location Collected: Burbank, CA
Habitat: Native of Mexico; they are a type of succulent. They are very tolerant of weather and many grow on rocky outcroppings at higher altitudes.
Special Notes: This type of plant is ideal for water-efficient gardening/landscape: xeriscaping.

Plant #5

Common Name: Scotch Moss
Scientific Name: Sagina subulata
Date Collected: April 6, 2012
Location Collection: Glendale, CA
Habitat: Native of Europe;typically found in dry gravelly or sandy soils(naturally).
Special Notes: Grows in a dense mat formation, and is commonly cultivated in between paving stones on a walkway.

Plant #4

Common Name: Red Leaved Thrift
Scientific Name: Armeria maritima
Clade: angiosperm
Date Collected: April 6, 2012
Location Collected: Burbank, CA
Habitat: Found in wild coastal areas across the Northern hemisphere, but mostly in Europe and some in South America. It is very common in British marshes, and can be used in xeriscaping(low water usage landscape).
Special Notes: Has a high copper-tolerance; this enables it to grow in highly copper-concentrated soils.

Plant #3

Common Name: Baby Tears, Angel's Tears
Scientific Name: Soleirolia soleirolii
Clade: angiosperm
Date Collected: April 6, 2012
Location Collected: Burbank, CA
Habitat: Native of Northern Mediterranean and around Italy, but it has been introduced internationally as an ornamental garden plant. It can be grown indoors. Outdoors, it prefers shade and moderate moisture, and can even grow in swampy environments. It does die in hash winter conditions, but returns lush as teperature increases.
Special Notes: This plant is capable of vegetative reproduction; so in order to completely get rid of it (after its been etsablished in the area) the enitre plant must be removed or else it will grow back. It is known as a weed in many cases.

Plant #2

Common Name: Bugleweed, Carpet bugle, or Groundpine
Scientific Name: Ajuga reptans
Clade: angiosperm
Date Collected: April 6, 2012
Location Collected: Burbank, CA
Habitat: Native of Europe, but can be found in North America. Lives in damp, grassy fields and woods.
Special Notes: This plant is usually used as an ornamental plant and grows in a dense mat formation.

Plant #1

Common Name: Century Plant, American Aloe
Scientific Name: Agave americana
Clade: angiosperm
Date Collected: April 6, 2012
Location Colleceted: Burbank CA
Habitat: Native of Mexico, and has been introduced in and grows wild in Australia, Europe, India, and South Africa(but hasn't been very established due to the fact that this plant is found in many types of soil).
Special Notes: Although this plant is commonly referred to as the "Century" Plant, it really only lives for 10 to 30 years.